Friday, February 8, 2013

Catching Up

It bothers me that I haven't written down a blog post in so long, especially after I made it my New Year's Resolution to blog everyday. Unfortunately, college life won't even spare me even two seconds to digitally rant. Okay, that was obviously an exaggeration, but it really is hard to find time to do seemingly "fun" things in between classes, reports to prepare for, long exams to cram for, and sleep to catch up on.

In the duration of my non-blogging phase, the following events have occurred:
1. I failed my first long exam in Soc Sci 2. Why I took a subject that was about political thinkers, I will never understand. I blame myself, of course. Although I may have studied, I studied the wrong topics. Hence, failure. *insert ultimate face palm

2. I have been, am, and will be bankrupt. I am honestly pondering over the fact that I have been burning money... at the speed of light. (My Chemistry reference is likely due to my pre-Chem 16 long exam jitters, as well as my increasing nerdiness. Also, there's no other way to put it. I mean who spends P500 in two days? In a mall-lacking Miag-ao, no less!) I do, however, know exactly where my money has been spent on: food. But as my philosophy is "Who cares if I'm fat, at least I'm happy"then I guess I have nothing to fuss over. Unfortunately, that philosophy also means I have to accept my current state of bankruptcy.

3. I've attended my first fiesta. Ever. And I have just confirmed my being an anti-social. Also, no, it isn't Dinagyang or Ati-atihan. It's the Salakayan festival of Miag-ao! Sense the sarcasm in the compulsory exclamation point.

4. People have been generous. I've received awesome presents lately. Also, Kuya Kenji has been satisfying my cravings for Stik-O's.

1D Behind The Scenes magazine from Ate Claire. Yep, proud Directioner. Don't judge.
Cutesy paper clips from Jiggy. Mehe.
Arm candy-ish things from Tita Stella.
5. A taste of leisure. Tonight, I'm forgetting about the fact that I still have a long exam in Chem 16 on Tuesday that I haven't prepared for, as well as other academic stuff to tend to. Tonight has been fully dedicated to laziness. Hello, Bunheads + Pretty Little Liars + New Girl marathon. And Insurgent. And junk food.

Ending this post with a subtle hope of getting to blog again this month.