Sunday, June 9, 2013

The summer curtain draws.

The first day of my sophomore year in college begins tomorrow, and that, of course, implies the end of my summer vacation as well. Despite the fact that my day started off on the wrong foot (parents giving me a mouthful for another thing I've done to tick them off, apparently), June 9 progressed into one of the best days of my 2013 summer.

In a moment of utter spontaneity, one of my really good UP friends - Jarem, suggested that we pig out in Jollibee. By coincidence, my cousin was set to attend a birthday party in the General Luna branch of Jollibee; things aligned and I got to spend time with one of the coolest people I know while eating some of the best fast food according to my palette. (The company was the best part, duh.)

At around six pm, my mother took me and my cousin to Skinetics for a spa session. It may be too soon to say this, but I have probably completely and irrevocably fallen in love with their jacuzzi and the bubbles and the rose petals and the warm water and you must get it by now. The spa was immensely relaxing; a highly appreciated treat in the face of the impending doom that is sophomore year of college.

Finally, we ended our day with dinner in Ohana. Ohana may not be as good as my favorite Japanese restaurant, Karate Kid, but it was still Japanese food, and I am undeniably a sucker for Japanese food.

Conclusion: Final day of summer - well-spent.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Day 12, 13 and 14.

Now's your cue to applaud my procrastination, and my determination to make up for it through a jammed post. Sorry for putting off the book challenge, I just wasn't into the writing mood as of late.

Day 12: A book you used to love but don't anymore.
Honestly, it isn't a single book that I've come to unlove, but a whole series - The Twilight Saga. I'm not saying that Stephenie Meyer sucks (pun intended), because she is undeniably an epic writer. The way she molds words to perfectly capture the pictures she forms in her head is amazing. The reason why I don't "love" the Twilight Saga anymore is the same reason why my thirteen-year old self fell in love with it in the first place - the romance. I may be a self-confessed hopeless romantic, but I've realized that the Twilight Saga takes sappy to a whole new level, and it is not endearing. Meyer's The Host is still one of my favorite novels, but the novels about the unbelievable Edward-Bella romance isn't anymore.

Day 13: Your favorite writer.
I cannot narrow down the best authors to just one, so I'd have to say that my favorite writers are Jenny Han, John Green, David Levithan, Sarah Dessen, and of course, J.K. Rowling.

Day 14: Book from your favorite writer(s).
The Belly Conklin trilogy for Han, The Fault in our Stars for Green, The Lover's Dictionary + Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist for Levithan, The Truth About Forever + Along for the Ride for Dessen, and THE WHOLE HARRY POTTER SERIES for J.K. Rowling, duh.

Playlist x 2

My previous blog entry boiled down to me promising to make a playlist inspired by a Tumblr post. Since it will probably take me awhile to blog again (what with classes resuming), I decided to take advantage of what little is left of my "leisure time" and make two playlists. Not that it was a challenge or anything, but hey, effort.

The first playlist comprises of sappy, slow  love songs that express all my cheesy, gay feelings for the person I like. I might never have the guts to tell him personally exactly how I feel (and thank him for how he makes me feel), so this playlist will do all the talking, or singing, for me.

I have more love for this second playlist because it holds all of my favorite clingy, affectionate songs. All the songs on this playlist have lyrics that hold so much meaning, and if a boy could feel for you all the feelings captured by those songs, then there is no other way to dub you but as a lucky duck. And yes, as the title suggests, should the situation arise and a boy sings me any of the listed tracks, I would perhaps lose a bit of my heart to him.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

The way you inspire me.

Tumblr is my constant source of entertainment and inspiration. It frightens me sometimes to think that there are posts that could so keenly and accurately define my life, and they weren't even penned by me. It is, however, good to know that there are others who feel my petty feelings; who experience the same awkward moments that comprise my life.

Every once in a while, I guess I'd like to have a Tumblr inspiration post, featuring things that scream "Lesh". Why I suddenly felt the need for this is because of the photo below:

Later today, or probably tomorrow, I'll be posting my own version of an "Everything I Could Never Tell You" playlist, because there is no better way to (un)say what you feel than through music.