Friday, October 19, 2012

I Break Spines

Today was a supposed to be a horror movie marathon day with two of my closest high school friends Tommy and Andrea. However, due to circumstances (I hate you, coughing) the bonding was postponed tomorrow.

Seeing as I have nothing to do for the day, I've decided to be productive. I will finally, finally, wreck my Wreck This Journal. Wreck This Journal is an instructional book by Keri Smith which basically instructs me to make it unrecognizable as a book when I'm through with it. Sounds easy enough, right? Not for an OC (Obsessive Compulsive) like me. But then again, my cousin did give me that book to help me with my OCD. So I'll wreck it, then! I guess it's better to let it serve its purpose rather than to merely allow it to collect dust.

Also, I have two other books by Keri Smith courtesy of my best friend, Francesca Tang. So there's another two that will possibly cure me of my obsessive-compulsiveness. Possibly. *insert wink here

Let's get down to business!
First step: crack the spine.
Anyone who knows me personally also knows the fact that I loathe getting creases in my books. But my loathing for creases is exceeded by the presence of cracks in a book's spine. (Told you I'm OC.) But here it is... I cracked the spine of my Wreck This Journal!

I think my heart died a little. No, really.


  1. The hearts of bibliophiles died a little with the cracking of your book's spine. </3 RIP

  2. I'm so sorry! I just followed the instructions. //wrists
