Thursday, October 25, 2012

Narnia: The Lesh version

Yep, this is one of those cheesy what's-in-the-bag posts except mine features my pencil case! If you've read my previous post, you would know that I lost my pencil case and I was monstrously close to having a breakdown. But of course I realized it was replaceable, so no tantrums for me!

Taking advantage of the fact that I was going to a mall today, one of the first things I did was to buy a new pencil case + its contents. The following are the "wondrous content" that I've referred to in my post *Dying. And yes, I am well aware that I've only heightened your judgment of me as a very awkward person. I blame my genes OCD.

Why I can't study without them:
1. Colorful stick-its. Marks the important pages of my books.
2. Stabilo Exam Grade #2 pencils. I tend to make dozens of mistakes when I study equations, so pencils are a must. & it needs to be that brand because its impression on paper is really good.
3. Stabilo Exam Grade eraser. Not only does it come free with the pencils, but it's the only eraser capable of erasing the aforementioned pencils' marks completely.
4. Faber Castell sharpener. This one's a cheat, actually. I prefer the Stabilo Exam Grade sharpener, however, they were out of stock earlier today. But they'll still sharpen my pencils, so good enough.
5. Yellow dermatograph. There's something about yellow that makes it easier for me to memorize things. & of course, highlighting things makes it easier to spot important terms & concepts in my books. I prefer highlighting my books with a dermatograph though because its mark doesn't seep through the opposite page.
6. Pilot G-tec C4 (blue ink). I can't study my notes if my handwriting isn't neat, and this is the only pen that makes my handwriting look acceptable.
7. Rewrite correction tape. It doesn't have to be that brand, but I need correction tape to cover up my clumsiness on paper.
8. Permanent marker. Not a necessity for me to study, but I might need it.

You can't doubt my OCD now, can you?

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